Is God asking you or someone you know to join us in seeing the UK & Ireland transformed by the Gospel?
For more information use the contact form and let us know that you want to connect for a chat.
Vision Trip
Is God calling you to ‘something’, but you just don’t know what that ‘something’ is? OR is your church community looking to develop a partnering relationship in a post-modern and spiritually hardened city? Come and see for yourself, meeting with members of the Initiative and local churches in their ministry contexts.
Use the contact form for more information.
Mission Essex
Our first project as an Initiative is alongside Mission Essex in County Essex, England. They desire is to plant and revitalize 10 churches in the next 10 years. Join in what God is doing to raise up His church in Essex. The needs are diverse, from assisting church planters, to music, children’s work, administration, community outreach, and even coffee ministry. Serve alongside nationals as a disciple-maker for a summer, 1-2 years, or long-term.
Use the contact form for more information.